This FileMaker® Accounting plug-in opens up the Intuit® QuickBooks application like never before. By using the plug-in you can save time and energy by eliminating double entry of contacts, invoices or sales transactions. You can provide financial data to your staff without having multiple people accessing your sensitive QuickBooks company file(s). With the use of this FileMaker plug-in you can streamline your work flow giving your staff the information they need while protecting your critical financial data. If you are using QuickBooks Online with your Mac or Windows please see the FM Books Connector Online plug-in.
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KEY FEATURES: No XML: There is no XML programming required as all integration is performed with FileMaker script steps and calculations. Customers: Pushing a customer record between the two applications allows a single entry to be done versus multiple entries by different departments. Invoices: You can push or pull invoices between the two applications allowing creation and modification by multiple departments. This allows your staff to create, send, make changes and accept payments regardless of which department they are in. Payment and Balances: You can push or pull payment information between the two applications allowing everyone with FileMaker quick access to view customer balances. Inventory: You can push or pull your inventory items between the two applications keeping the books balanced between accounting and sales.
Timer Entries: Pull timer entries from your FileMaker Pro solution into QuickBooks to effectively eliminate double entry, reducing labor time and ensuring accuracy. Access to Additional Modules Include: - Chart of accounts - Bills - Checks - Lists - Items and Inventory - Jobs - Deposits - Employees - Reports - Sales Orders - Purchase Orders - Templates - Vendors - General Journal Entries - And much more! Other: QuickBooks is a registered trademark and service mark of Intuit Inc. In the United States and other countries.
FM Books Connector is designed for use with specified versions of QuickBooks software only. This plug-in is verified compatible with FileMaker® Pro 14-16 (32-bit and 64-bit), Windows® 7/8/10 and may work with earlier versions. The 32-bit version of FM Books may work with earlier versions of QuickBooks.Intuit's QuickBooks is a 32-bit application, but this plug-in works with FileMaker 32-bit and 64-bit. Ready to get started now - try our! Core5 comes pre-configured with 30-day trial versions of the or plug-ins and is designed to integrate with your existing QuickBooks company file (Desktop or Online). Core5 allows you to pull your existing QuickBooks contacts and items in order to set up your file, as well as continually push customer and invoices and pull payment balances. Have your own solution but need to integrate with QuickBooks Online (Windows or Mac), please see the plug-in.
Successful integration of FileMaker plug-ins requires the creation of integration scripts within your FileMaker solution. Intermediate to advanced experience with FileMaker Pro, especially in the areas of scripting and calculations, is necessary to integrate this plug-in. After review of our overview videos, sample scripts and documentation you find you need assistance please contact us or fill out a. Please Note This fully functional demo file is useable for 30 days. However, the demo will expire 2 hours from opening your FileMaker application. To reset please close and reopen your FileMaker application.Important Note: The FM Books Connector Mac Template is for development purposes only.
For full functionality to communicate directly with QuickBooks for Windows the full version of the FMBooks Connector plug-in is required. Unfortunately, communication of any kind to the Macintosh version of QuickBooks is not available since Intuit does not have a Mac compatible Software Development Kit (SDK). Win - Confirmed compatibility with QuickBooks 2017 Canadian and UK editions - Added extensive logging functionality to the plug-in.
This is an advanced feature. Please refer to the Functions Guide for details on the new logging functions and how to use them - Enhanced internal error capture and exception handling to resolve issues with FileMaker freezing and crashing when communicating with the FM QB Bridge - Partially resolved an issue with receiving a 'server threw an exception' error from the QB Bridge when executing requests or connecting/disconnecting sessions. This issue is still under investigation. Please reference the Known Issues section in the developer's guide for more information. Win - Full support for QuickBooks Online Edition. Added new PCQBGetCurrentQBVersion function. Confirmed support for high ASCII characters particularly smart quotes.
Fixed issue where RqExecute would return 'End' when successfully processing a 'TxnDisplayMod' request. The executed request now properly returns '0' for success instead of 'END.' - All null values are now interpreted as!!ERROR!! Including if QuickBooks returns two tags and nothing in between. New demo files (one for use with QuickBooks Desktop edition and one for use with QuickBooks Online edition). Win - Fixed RsUseXML to properly load xml into parser.
This function properly loads QBXML according to the type of session established (POS or Desktop). The XML is loaded and parsed as if it were acquired via the PCQBRqExecute function. Root nodes of QBXML/QBXMLMsgsRs or QBPOSXML/QBPOSXMLMsgsRs are added to the XML parameter if they do not exist. Note that the function requires a session with QuickBooks that is initiated by either a PCQBBeginSession, PCQBZQuery or PCQBZModify function call. On success the loaded XML is available to other PCQBRsxxxx function calls.
Added 'text' 'time' 'date' and 'interval' for reverse formatting (QB to FileMaker) - Removed trailing carriage return from values returned by PCQBSGetXML function - PCQBSFormatString funtion takes additional values as the second parameter. These values 'text', 'time', 'date', and 'interval' convert the first parameter FROM QuickBooks format to FileMaker format instead of converting from FileMaker to QuickBooks format. Win - Compatibility to use the same type XML pass through commands as FileBooks Link - Support for QuickBooks 2009 versions - Enhanced FileMaker demo file to be compatible with international versions of QuickBooks (Canadian, UK and Australian) - Single plug-in to support for QuickBooks international versions (Canadian, UK and Australian) 2004-2009 New Function Calls Include: - PCQBZParseXML Loads an XML document into memory and applies the XPath query to the document. PCQBRqExecute Allows for a filter string to filter results, and a path string to save the results - PCQBRqAddFiledWithValue Automatically formats most input values to values expected by QuickBooks - PCQBRqUseXML Allows for path to XML file as input or direct XML as input - PCQBRsUseXML Allows user to load an XMK document into the parser - PCQBSFormatString Returns the input string formatted to the desired QB format. Win Bugs Fixes: - fixed the index of the first record to properly increment on the first call to PCQBRsOpenFirstRecord. PCQBSGetXML now returning the proper value - now returns the full document if the user hasn't specified a filter otherwise it returns the filtered response -TxnDisplayAdd/Mod now returns proper value Modifications: - Build to support QBSDK 8 - Includes support for International (UK, Canadian and Australian) versions - Added ability to pass a text value with the PCxxRegister function. This is to enable 123 Sync the ability to pass a QB File name when registering the plug-in.
The proper format is licenseID & ' ' & textString for example PCQBRegister( 'PCIFMBC My QuickBooks File.QBW'; '80'. ) Added: PCQBZParseXML - loads an XML document into memory and applies the XPath query to the document. Win Add extra functions and parameters for working with stored XML files.
PCQBRqExecute allows for a filter string to filter results, and a path string to save the results - PCQBRqAddFiledWithValue Automatically formats most input values to values expected by QuickBooks - PCQBRqUseXML allows for path to XML file as input or direct XML as input - PCQBRsUseXML allows user to load an XMK document into the parser - PCQBSFormatString returns the input string formatted to the desired QB format.